Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Summer of the Ten Pound Flip-Flop

  Our construction process began way back in July, and is still in full swing, with no clear sight of the finish line.  We truly feel that we have been blessed, and that the trials that we have been through have been opportunities to do some character building.  It has been a wet and muddy summer, and we have dubbed it "The summer of the 10lb flip flop!".  I think that everyone in the family has gone through at least two pair of shoes thanks to the heavy, slimy, clay that we are ankle deep in!
For the majority of the summer, we spent it watching the construction process, and playing the hurry up and wait game.  It seemed like when we would get excited that progress was being made, then things would stop. We were blessed by some old friends who let us rent their fifth wheel, and another friend who let us borrow his old pop-up camper, so we could camp in our backyard while the house was under construction. We had quite the compound! It worked out nicely, the boys and the dog slept in the pop-up on the days that it wasnt storming too bad, and Steve and the girls and I slept in the fifth wheel.  We even had a seperate tent that was our dressing room and housed all of our clothes and extra totes filled with toys, games  and extra bedding. Oh and we mustn't forget the lovely outhouse....that could be a story in its self!  I am hoping that in the years to come, we will look back at this experience, be able to appreciate each moment, and have great stories to share with everyone! But I am not going to wait years, I am going to start my stories now!

Here's a look at our home before.....

1 comment:

  1. Ok,every time I see this pic, I have to chuckle, because I think the house looks naked! This was taken before we actually owned the house (like the week before we moved in). Now the house has blue shutters, so it is no longer naked! :)
